Dano psiquico em crianças vitimas de abuso sexual sem comprovação de ato libidinoso ou conjunção carnal




The aim of the present study is to verify the psychological harm in children that they had presented criminal report informing to have been victms of sexual abuse e that had been submitted the examination of body, carried through in the Legal Medical Institute of Brasilia, whose resulted they had not consisted the presence of vestiges of carnal knowledge and/or libidinous acts. The used methodology was the analysis of content (Bardin, 1995) in 108 findings of psychological examination, carried through in the period of 2002 the 2005 for the Section of Forensic Psychopathology of the same Legal Medical Institute. The result of the study allowed the following conclusions: a) in 80.6% of the integrant ones of the sample some type of pathological pointer was found, indicating a related psychic suffering with the situation of the sexual abuse, b) in some cases, the repercussion exceeded the intra-psychic field and intervened negative with the adaptive functioning of the victim; c) the examinations of body, attempted against violent to the modesty and carnal knowledge, when carried through separately, they are not efficient in the confirmation of this modality of crime (sexual abuse) and are prescindent to verify the psychic harm; d) finally, the researcher considered alternatives for the current Brazilian legislation in order to allow the sexual abuse as crime and the establishment of specific criteria for the expert examinations, as well as the recognition of its consequence for the victim (allowing the repair of the harm).


psychic harm violência sexual. child sexual abuse sexual violence. exame psicológico psychological examination psicologia abuso sexual infantil dano psíquico

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