Culture and representations in the teaching of French as a foreign language / Cultura e representações na didática do francês língua estrangeira




The opening process to other cultural universes generated through more closeness between societies as created needs for a new thinking approach on culture and representation. These concepts are now put in the field of Foreign Language Didactic at a very important place because the understanding of languages is an essential element in the relationship between various cultural communities and therefore help the understanding of the diverse forms to see and living the world. The teaching-learning of a foreign language must also stimulate the reflection on the diversity of cultural facts therefore stimulating the awareness of the learning person that excessive folklorisation could damage badly the reality of theses cultures. Through the analysis of the French Press elements about Brazil, we have been looking for an objective approach on how to demonstrate possible diversities, after having acknowledged the manner we have been seen through the selected articles. That has been very interesting because, as Brazilian, we have been in front of how the Other sees our society and therefore how we should conduct our representation analysis of the Other. The final aim is to support, through a better objectivity of the given facts, a thinking process on cultural diversity, on the importance of relativism and on the danger of excessive generalisation


construction of representations; culture; representations; speech;teaching of a foreign language construção de representações; cultura; discurso; ensino de língua estrangeira; representações

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