Controladoria aplicada à gestão : estudo de caso sobre a utilização da memória organizacional no processo de planejamento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The competitive, stimulated by constant innovations for management process and velocity in decisions making, makes the past to be despised, instead of, it is utilized like learning model. When if despise the precious knowledge origin of past experience, the organization will be fated to repeating mistakes. This work has like objective investigates the existence of practice return to formation of explicit organizational memory for preservation of knowledge, as well as, the existence of practice of the utilization this knowledge during the process of the planning for SENAC São Paulo, an organization of national distinction in the segment professional education. To answer to the problem of research was carried out a single case study, period from September 2007 to May 2008, involve two stages: at first, carried out a bibliographical research and documentary, so that identify theories about creation of knowledge within organizations, about formation of organizational memory and theirs processes and still about the planning. The research method was quantitative with analyses of the content. The adopted methodology proposed to classify two analysis groups: groups of managers of the functional areas and group of development areas and offer of products, soon afterwards we tried to identify existences of differences between the two groups. Taking into account the interviewees perceptions, the results indicate that both groups manifested similar positions. These Results revealed that, there is use of organizational memory during the process of tactical planning, however, it could happen with large effective case there were explicit methodologies or motivated institutional for the guard or maintenance of memory. The research demonstrated that, the absence of the explicitness and incentive, the individual memory becomes a strong reference to recovery of historical information.


ciencias contabeis ensino profissional - estudo de casos planejamento gestão do conhecimento aprendizagem organizacional knowledge management organizational learning professional education planning vocational education

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