CONSELHO DE COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIAL Um instrumento para a democratização da comunicação?




The objective of this study is to exam the Social Communications Council in Brazilian democratization communications process. In order to do that, its necessary to do a historical review about the big group that asked for democratization in communication before Federal Constitution from 1988. This study debates the long trajectory since the implementation of Social Communications Council and analyzes the Councils activities in the course of the first mandate (2002/2004). To reach the wished results, it was applied the Case Study of qualitative origin, which contemplates, as a principal method, the Rhetoric Analysis. The most important issue of this analysis was the documents about the most interested Council group speechs strategy. The proposal of program regionalization was the principal objective of this study. The results reached show a low representative of civil society and demonstrate that the strategies used by the media concessionaires has turned this space in to one more extension from media proprietors lobbies, that took place to try stopping the implementation of new proposals for communications democratization. The predominance from private over public interest shows the necessity to review the Social Communications Council work.


comunicacao democratização interest groups comunicação - teses e dissertações public space espaço público grupos de interesse public communications politics democratization políticas públicas de comunicação

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