Comportamento do primeiro molar permanente inferior, em crianças brasileiras com 24 a 84 meses




This search has the purpose to check the i irst lower permanent molar environment in Brazilian white children normal occlusion, with 24 to 84 months oi age. Our results showed that the angular relationship of the First lower permanent molar axis with the mandibular base increased with age like this long axis teeth angle and the occlusal plane, and with the second lower deciduous molar. The angle established with the anterior border of mandible has decreased with age. The angular relationship of vestibular cuspids of first lower permanent molar with the occlusal plane has decreased with age because this teeth described an ascendent curve in eruption. The same decrease was observed in the relation of this cuspids And the mandibular base and so wi th the anterior border of mandible. We observed a verticalization of this teeth during the eruption because the angle of the cuspids of this molar with the distal line oi second deciduous molar increased. We noted that the distal line of second deciduous molar and the mesial line first lower permanent molar distance decreased with age, but the contact was not established while the teeth was in occlusion. The methods to verify the teeth development stages showed a coincidence in results.


molares dentes deciduos - erupção medidas de comprimento

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