Coalições de advocacia na formulação da política nacional de biodiversidade e florestas




Within the scope of studying the national environmental policy, this dissertation of master studies analyses the dynamic of the subsystem of the biodiversity and forest policy in the period 1992-2006. The intention is to comprehend the logic of action of the main governmental and non-governmental actors that form this policy subsystem and also the gradual changes that have been occurring in this field of public policy. The main analytical basis of the research is the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) developed by Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith, theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of ideas and values in the process of formulation and change of public policies. In order to obtain data for the research, a large amount of transcripts of public hearings carried out in the National Congress were selected, as well as other public documents related to the legislative process, regarding the following issues: (i) conservation areas; (ii) access to the genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge; (iii) protection of the Atlantic Forest; (iv) deforestation control; and (v) management of public forests, including the forest concessions to the private initiative. As recommended by the authors of the ACF, a coding frame was developed, reflecting the different policy beliefs of the actors that act in the subsystem. The results of the application of the coding frame, jointly with other analyses about the legislative processes that were on the agenda in the focused period, have indicated the existence of four advocacy coalitions acting in this policy subsystem, coherently with the ACF forecasts. The research has showed that the policy oriented learning has relevant implications for policy change and, also, that the conflicts related to the differences in the belief systems explain some important problems in the decisional processes


modelo de coalizões de advocacia public policies meio ambiente advocacy coalitions conservação da biodiversidade environmental policy forest protection conservation of biodiversity proteção das florestas ciencia politica políticas públicas coalizões de defesa advocacy coalition framework política ambiental environment coalizões de advocacia

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