CirculaÃÃo de saber nas redes sociais informais em organizaÃÃes privadas : condicionantes e impactos




This MSC dissertation tends to investigate a knowledge circulation into pernonal nets inside private companies. This emphasis is in some individuals and cultural condionants of this phenomenon (Human Selfishness, Power Games, Reward System and InformationÂs Technology) and also in the impact of this demand of knowledge above the organizational sucess. To an empirical constatation, it was used a non-probabilistic sample total of 309 individuals, Finance and Sales workers in 30 different commerce and/or service private organizations (each one with at least 10 employees or more questioned) in the Metropolitan Recife Area, during March to April of 2005. The knowledge circulation was identified through a sociometric method apply determined by Moreno s City (1934) and the criation of diverses mathematics indicators made for measure several ways of human interaction between individuals and the social netÂs, that he is part of. The reached results pointed that all studied conditions showed to have positive and negative implications above knowledge circulation. And this has proved teorical and empirical of your important part to the organizational sucess. The organizational social nets showed to tend into informality, struggled by the affective relations, no presenting signs of important digital technologies influences envolving complex changes and negotiation of knowledge. The selfishnes, intensified by the usual reward system model, is present even in the affective relationships. The addoption of different kinds of reward system (or even matches of those)is associated to important variations in knowledge circulation inside organizations, however most of those tend to "sintonizeâ exactly above matches with a less effective circulation. At Last, there are presented conclusions about his study implications and search fututre possibilities


reward system knowledge management power games informal social net redes sociais informais jogos de poder gestÃo do conhecimento administracao egoÃsmo organizational cognition selfishness sistema de recompensa cogniÃÃo organizacional

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