Caminhada de pessoas com deficiencia visual em areas naturais : um estudo com auxilio do GPS (Sistema de Posicionamento Global) / Walks of people with impairment in natural environment : a study with aids of GPS (Global Positioning System)




This research accomplished 5 walk tasks in natural trails with 16 people with visual impairment, having as hypothesis that they possess satisfactory space orientation to walk alone in natural areas. In the first task, the participants individually located the landmarks and esteemed the accumulated traveled distances. In the second task, they performed the geographical pointing (egocentric orientation) of the traveled landmarks in a parallel trail. The third task consisted of a return walk on the same trail, where they pointed the place of the old marks. The results were correlated with the information of recorded GPS, and analyzed through the test "t" student. The first task was also submitted to the determination coefficient (R²). The results of the 5 tasks show that the walk without guides is a viable activity, because the estimate of distances traveled and the locations of the point of reference have accuracy and, statistically, there are no significant differences in the participant results. This way, the present research offers a different option for walking in trails, and collaborates for future adaptations of adventure sports for people with visual impairment.


deficiencia visual space orientation percepção espacial caminhada em trilhas visual impairment sistema de posicionamento global gps natural trails

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