Brincar : uma opção para a interação entre mãe ouvinte/filho surdo




The aim of this study was to describe and diseuss the ways in which the hearing mother and deaf child dyad construct a dynamic in terms of play. This study was done over a one year and five month period with two deaf children hearing mother dyads, at the Center for Research and Rehabilitation Gabriel S. Porto (Cepre) at the School of Medical Sciences (FCM) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). From ealier studies, we had observed the difficulties hearing parents faced in interactions with their deaf child. We believe that, through play, hearing mother and deaf child can relate more c1osely to each other, since play is a universal language for children. Using sign during play and routine activities facilitates communicative interaction, so as to permit mothers to perceive the true developmental possibilities of their deaf child. The mothers had weekly sign language lessons with a deaf instructor fluent in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). They received weekly orientation from the speech and hearing pathologist on stimulating their child in daily living. Data collection began at two years of age; and mothers were instructed to play freely with their deaf child, choosing from a selection of toys. The sessions were filmed monthly, and analyzed according to: choice of game, organization of play, motivation, comprehension of the game and communication. The results indicate how important each mother s role was for enhancing comprehension, maintaining child motivation and communication. This study indicated that despite differenees in each mother s personal style of play and interaction with her deaf child, both children demonstrated overall age compatible development. This study suggests that, more important than choice of toy, is the mother s proposal for keeping the child interested in the game. The games were a source of stimulation for enhancing play repertoire from inicial sensory exploration to the formulation of roles


familia surdos - meios de comunicação linguagem por sinais surdez jogos

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