Brincando no ambiente natural : uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento sensorio-motor da criança portadora de paralisia cerebral




The objective of this paper was to build a playing dynamics for a child with cerebral palsy, together with his mother in a natural environment. Games, naturally, develop the motor-sensory. Since playing is part ofthe human being growth, we perceive it is very easy to be assimilated and becomes a strong stimulation source, through creativity, for that child. In this process the main agent is the child s mother, taking into account the fact of being the first person to stablish a relationship with her son and his daily contact with him. Two mothers and their cerebral palsied children, both participated in this study. The children were three years and a half and three years and one month old, respectively, at the beginning of the research. To achieve the intended objective, the procedures consisted basically in developing plays in natural situations, between mother and son, starting with data collection along three personal interviews with the mothers. Namely, at the very beginning, twelfth and twenty fourth meeting, which allowed to survey their daily playing, and also daily field records carried out by us, after adjourning each meeting, detailing observed facts. The interviews data analysis fumished us with day to day information about the subjects as regards the plays. By analyzing the data recorded on the logbook, we thinked the plays for the subsequent meetings. Each mother was oriented: 1) immediately after the interview, 50 that she felt she was receiving prompt feed back as regards doubts or diffieulties, 2) during the meetings, when we played the games in its natural environment and 3) at the end of each meeting, through notes on the respective log book, together with their participation. Along the six months study, the researcher changed her role of mentor - participant - observer to participant - observer, ending as simple observer, thus showing the degree of independence of the individuais in relation with the researcher. We describe some meetings as representative events and discuss the plays performed.The results showed that playing, the value of the natural environment, the mother-child interaction and another form of professional behavior, can effectively contribute towards the motor-sensory of such child. On the other hand, the mothers, who had no specialized background, easily assimilated this resource


aprendizagem motora crianças deficientes paralisia cerebral jogos infantis

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