Brigas entre alunos na escola: a adolescência, o mal-estar e o outro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this work is to understand the meaning of the fights among teenagers in school. The research was performed in a state public school situated in the northwestern area of São Paulo city, with boys and girls who attend regularly the Fundamental School - second cycle (from 5th to 8th grades). The interviews and observations results reveal that the drives for those fights are usually the most trivial and commonplace. It also reinforces the significant importance of understanding why do they happen nowadays in our schools and country. 1 11 take two references for this comprehension: the first is the adolescence itself as a specific moment in the lives of these teenagers and the second is the current globalization, which involves the first one. While making this contextualization, 1 11 watch the public school conflicts, its agreements and disagreements in face of these adolescents lived moment. Conceptions of human beings are part of the school space, hence social space as well, and 1 11 show that they deal with the idea of human being as a closed totality, that is, a very selfish conception of human being, that only accepts the other person as one s mirror. In addition to the alterity approach and to the inherent discomfort of the civilization process, the adolescents use to treat their next or neighbours with contempt and violence, once they see these others" as people very different and distinct from themselves, who live together at school, or at any other public and social space, and that have others values and belong to another group or tribe. This is the reason for the hate to the different ones. Then 1 11 try to understand what does this school do, not only to know the adolescence itself, but also to guide it in this critical phase of the human being s life. At the end, in a curriculum critical perspective, 1 11 give some ways in order to face up the problems arised in this school context


curriculo currículo violência brigas alteridade violencia na escola adolescencia curriculum violence fiqhts adolescence alterity

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