Biometria de mudas de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) em dois sistemas de plantio / Biometry of sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) seedling in two systems of planting




With the purpose of determining the probable variation in the biometrical features of some variety of sugar cane in function of different systems of planting the follourng study was accompluhed at COSAN / Costa Pinto (Piracicaba – SP) group area, from October 2005 to October 2006. For this, it was executed a standardized essay, where, under the same field conditions were accomplished mechanized and semimechanized planting. The biometrical variables here studied were stalks length (m), median diameter of stalks (cm), median weight of stalks (kg), number of sections stalks-1, number of viable shoot . stalks-1, number of unlikely shoot . stalks-1, total number of shoot. stalks-1, median number of billet . stalks-1, median length of billet (cm), number of viable shoot . billet-1, number of sampled billet (the 30 stalks), weight of sampled billet (Kg the 30 stalks), number of unlikely shoot . billet-1, total number of shoot . billet-1, % viable shoot . stalks-1, % viable shoot . billet-1, median weight for billet (kg), estimation of the quantity of planted seedling . ha-1, median furrow depth, median height of amount of soil over billets, median number of shoot, amount billets per meter of furrow, sprigging, budding failures quantity of stalks / ha and agricultural productivity. The data analysis revealed that most of the obtained correlation were under r = 0,80, showing weak correlation. From the obtained results it can be assured that the biggest correlations obtained were: number of total shoot . m-1 vs number of billet, r = 0,88, number of viable shoot vs number of billet: r = 0,82. The density of planting in the mechanized treatments varied from (9,9 to 13,2 t. ha-1) and in the semimechanized treatments from (8,4 to 10,2 t. ha-1). Even so, the mechanized planting showed lower number of debris and higher quantity of failures. The results demonstrated that the mechanized and the semimechanized systems didn't interfere meaningfully, general rule, in the variables, stalks length, diameter, number of shoot, number of viable shoot, quantity of stalks and the agricultural productivity.


mechanization biometry planting biometria plantio mecanização agrícola sugar cane cana-de-açúcar

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