Avaliação ex ante de projetos tecnológicos e de inovação: uma análise do processo de julgamento e seleção do programa de recursos humanos em atividades estratégicas - RHAE - 2002 a 2007




The present work focus on the analysis of the ex ante evaluation process (assessment and selection) of technological and innovation projects presented for support to the Human Resources in Strategic Activities Program (RHAE), conducted by the Brazilian National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq). It presents a literature review of the ex ante evaluation process in science, technology and innovation, with emphasis on peer review, which addresses the main questions raised in international discussions and presents expert opinions on its advantages and main shortcomings. The work presented here aims at establishing a parallel between the general ex ante evaluation practices adopted by CNPq for technological projects and those most used in OECD (Organisation for Economic and Development Cooperation) countries, emphasizing the process itself as well as three important shortcomings: selection of reviewers, evaluation criteria and level of reviewers decision power. The history and evolution of RHAE Program is described and an analytical comparison of the calls for projects conducted from 2002 through 2007 is presented, where the calls main characteristics, the stages of the ex ante evaluation process and the evaluation criteria as published in the calls are discussed. This study also analyses the composition of the assessment Thematic Committees, the demand that arose in response to the calls and the assessment results, the latter two in terms of financial resources, number of projects and distribution of proposals by area of knowledge and by region of the country. It concludes that the ex ante evaluation adopted by the RHAE Program does not explore all the potential it has as a political-strategic instrument and that it only incorporates few of the elements and logic of technological and innovation projects evaluation, as recommended by international literature. The work suggests that it is necessary to search for new evaluation arrangements that optimize the process and make it come closer to the innovation universe, as a means to favoring mutual learning about the process itself, its core elements and the priorities for policy making. At last, the work points to some further lines of research that could contribute for a deeper understanding of the shortcomings and possibilities for improvement of evaluation process in the RHAEs program.


avaliação ex ante peer review technological innovation projects avaliação por pares science, technology and innovation policies rhae sectoral funds avaliação projetos de inovação tecnológica ex ante evaluation peer review science technological projects technological innovation fundos setoriais evaluation ciência critérios de avaliação projetos tecnológicos rhae política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação tecnologia inovação tecnológica innovation inovação outros evaluation criteria technology

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