Pesquisa e desenvolvimento de materiais avançados no Brasil : uma avaliação de projetos RHAE




The current work aims to analyze the results 01 the RHAE Program - Program 01 Human Resources Training in Strategic Activities in the area 01 Advanced MateriaIs, through the evaluation ofthe R&D projects supported by the RHAE during the period between January 1991 and December 1994, considering the fellowships implemented until June 19%. The RHAE Program main goal is to increase the number and the qualification 01 researchers and technicians in areas lhat are considered important for the increase 01 Country s competitiveness and productivity. Because it is a program aiming exclusively the human resources training, the RHAE presents itself as a complementary program for the other programs 01 the Ministry 01 Science and Technology directed to the support 01 the scientific and technologica1 development pujects. The Special Materiais area has been selected for evaluation in this woIk due to its close link with the mineral sector. The completion 01 this study was achieved through the application, by mail, 01 questionnaire specifica1ly prepared for this end The development ofthis questionnaire, an essential part for the development ofthe study, was subject to restrictions imposed by the availability 01 the projects information which were not concemed with nor were structured for the accounting or the registering 01 information that would be relevant for an evaluation. The questionnaire tried to identitY in the projects the aspects concemed with the nature 01 the proponent institutions, the severa! financing sources for the projects, the tines 01 the research in progress, the genesis and nature 01 the project, the genesis and nature 01 the project, the final results achieved, the direct and indirect etTects (technological, commercial, organization and methods and woIk factor), the institutional interactions, the failure factors and the perspectives 01 continuity ofthe project. Prior to the application 01 the questionnaire and the evaluation 01 the answers, it was made an analysis 01 the data conceming the number 01 approved and used fellowships and 01 their approved and used values, trying to identitY the nature 01 the user institution, the regional distribution by type 01 fellowship for na universe 01 81 projects approved during the period under analysis. The analysis showed lhat a more inductive action was needed to be developed by the RHAE for a broader participation 01 enterprises, for the absotption 01 the fellowship recipients, for projects induced to relevant themes, for the existence 01 a policy for research commercialization and for speeding up the fellowship implementation. A greater capacity 01 induction could be achieved through the association 01 the RHAE to other government instruments 01 action within the area 01 S&T. On the other hand, the RHAE has presented coherence with its objectives regarding the nature ofthe program 01 complementary support, the pujects 01 fundamental and applied nature and promoter 01 institutional interaction, showing that its permanence and a continuous improvement are needed so that this program may collaborate for the insertion 01 the Country in the world context through the constant training 01 human resources for the production 01 goods and services ofhigh added value


materiais - pesquisa pesquisa e desenvolvimento projetos - avaliação

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