Avaliação do estado de saúde bucal de pacientes com fibrose cística


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This cross-sectional study assessed the dental health of 36 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Questionnaire was applied to obtain information about self-care and other aspects that could influence the results. One trained and calibrated examiner evaluated the presence of visible plaque (VIP), gingival bleeding (GB), bleeding on probing (BOP), pocket depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), presence of supragingival calculus, dmf/DMF-T index modified by the presence of active white spots, and the presence of enamel defects. The results of the clinical variables were compared (P<0.05), according to two age groups, and according to caries experience (CE), positive (+) or not (-), by Student t test or U Mann-Whitney test. The non-parametric test of Spearman was used to identify possible correlations between findings. The results seen for age¿s 12 years old and >12 years old were: VIP (65.40±35.13% and 58.90 ± 34.51%), GB (14.00±21.61% and 26.51% ± 27.09%) and presence of calculus (21.59±28.96% and 11.97±9.29%), without statistic differences between the groups. The mean value of PS was 1.30±0.32 mm and 1.70±0.30mm (P= 0.00) and BOP were 3.89± 9.92% and 20.04±7.72% (P= 0.09). The CAL mean value present in the group >12 years old, was 0.15±0.35 mm. The values of the dmf/DMF-T modified index were 1.74 ±3.33 / 1.20 ± 1.74 and 5.14 ± 4.26, respectively. The presence of teeth with enamel defect, per individual, ranged from none to all teeth with signs in both groups. The analysis of the groups CE+ and CE- revealed that VIP (70.52±30.92% - 52.00±37.50%) and of GB (25.13±29.40% -10.09±10.04%), did not differ significantly. Differences were observed between the percentages of dental calculus (9.97±10.06% - 28.86±32.05%). Few significant correlations were observed between the findings. The presence of visible plaque (r= 0.50, P=0.02), and preference for sweet foods (r= 0.48, P=0.02) correlated positively with caries experience in primary dentition, as well as the history of pain (r= 0.48, P=0.03), and that also had positive correlation with the permanent dentition (r= 0.52, P=0.02). Positive correlation was also found between attachment loss and the perception of gingival bleeding by the patient (r= 0.51, P=0.00). Mother¿s and father¿s education were negatively correlated with CE+ in primary dentition (r= - 0.57, r= - 0.71). Conclusions: In the study, symptoms of decay were observed from the incipient signs of mineral loss, and the caries experience in the cystic patients sample were similar to those observed in the population from south of Brazil. In cystic patients with caries activity, the removal of dental calculus for the treatment of gingivitis should not take priority in the planning of dental care. Dental care should be directed to prevention and treatment of caries.


cystic fibrosis fibrose cística saúde bucal dental health carie dentaria caries cálculos dentários dental calculus

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