Avaliação da eficacia do posicionador mandibular de Sarmento nas telerradiografias laterais da cabeça




The objective of the present research went to test the "Sarmento s Mandibular Positioner for cephalometric radiography of the head in lateral norm". The hypothesis consisted of verifying the difterence among the linear and angular greatness for the conventional method and the with mandibular positioner. Eight angular measurements were analyzed (SNA, SNB, ANB, FMA, FMIA, IMPA, ANG.l and PLOcL) and five linear (AO-BO, AFA, AFP, QT and LS) and IAF. The results demonstrated statistical significance to the test t for SNB, FMA and PLOCL, at the levei of p = 0,01 and 0,05. With base in the analysis of the obtained results, we concluded that the device was eftective in the control of the stability of the inferior third of the face The angular greatness SNB, FMA and PLOcL they presented larger variability when compared with supplied them for the ray taking X for the conventional method.


ortodontia corretiva ortodontia - diagnostico cefalometria radiografia

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