AvaliaÃÃo em larga escala: um estudo sobre erros dos alunos no trabalho com nÃmeros e suas operaÃÃes




This study attempted to analyse the origin of students errors in a large scale evaluation, relating to their mathematical knowledge, as well to understanding the cognitive process of the students. In spite of this problem, we decided to do a large scale- survey, because this is a type of evaluation from which results are utilised to determine Political Education. It was decided to do a study about studentsâ errors in evaluations of SAEPE 2002/2005, specifically, into the subjects of numbers and their arithmetic operations. During this research results from students of the Fourth year at Fundamental Education in Public System of Pernambuco (PE) were investigated. To produce this investigation one documental analysis into referential matrix was made, selecting four descriptors and fourteen issues which are included in tests applied in 2002 and 2005, with six of them concerning the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and eight issues with reference to the resolution of problems involving different aspects of their mathematical operations. The results display in this study that studentâs demonstrated operational knowledge with natural numbers in operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by mental arithmetic. Analysing the student s answers solving the problems, as well using operation, we identify that the major difficulty was understanding the rubric of the questions, attempting to be aware to the problem s data


arithmetical operation educacao numbers nÃmeros avaliaÃÃo error evaluation operaÃÃes aritmÃticas erro

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