AvaliaÃÃo da produÃÃo escrita no ENEM: como se faz e o que pensam os avaliadores




Considering that the Exame Nacional do Ensino MÃdio â ENEM (High School National Exam) is an important national assessment instrument and has, by the way, gathered more and more participants since it was created; and also that written production is a main concern of those who research on the teaching and learning process of writing, this study aims to investigate the treatment given to evaluation of written texts by the central organ related to language teaching, The Ministry of Education. This is done through analysis of the criteria chart used for correcting texts produced by students who take the National Exam. In addition, this study also aims to investigate how the Exam evaluators face the work they do, therefore, interviews were realized with these professionals, and questions such as: what do you think about the criteria chart? Are there difficulties? What are the difficulties? were placed in order to build the corpus. This research has interdisciplinary feature. Contributions from both pedagogical and linguistic studies were used. The discussion was conducted on the basis of three guiding concepts: Evaluation as a way of reorientation of practices to those who take part in the teachinglearning process; Language as a mean of interaction linked to contexts; and Text as a communicative event with processual nature of meaning production. The study aims to contribute to the writing evaluation process research in general, and to ENEM particularly, once it highlighted positive and negative points in the chart, the main difficulties faced by evaluators, and still allows future reflections related to improvements on the way written texts are evaluated.


letras writing, assessment enem avaliaÃÃo escrita enem

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