Atributos de atração para cursos superiores: um estudo com alunos ingressantes


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Brazil has experienced a change in higher education in last 90 years, when the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education eased the entry of private initiatives in this sector. The wide range of courses for the same audience in different Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) had a growth and competitiveness becoming increasingly fierce. This competition has forced the HEIs to create strategies to stand out among their competitors. These facts, linked to several factors that influence students to choose courses in their higher education, form the problematic of this study, which aims at analyzing the attributes that influenced the decision of choosing courses for Regional University of Blumenau (FURB) according to the perception of new incoming students. As for the methodology applied, the survey characterized as descriptive, once as the described characteristics of students when graduating high school and later as a freshmen in Universities. The data collected through the survey from a questionnaire composed of open and structured questions were applied to the same audience, in order to examine their perceptions about the subject at different times of their lives. The first period was the application of questionnaires to 3,706 high school graduating students in 2009. The next time came in 2010 with the same students who had completed the questionnaire in 2009 and had joined the courses at FURB, totaling a universe of 425 students. Choosing FURB was justified because it is the oldest higher education institution in the state of Santa Catarina, has courses in several areas of knowledge and it is the only University of Itajai Middle Valley, composed of undergraduate, Specialization, Masters and PhD courses. The data analysis occurred through the Matrix and Descriptive Statistics of Importance versus Performance. We used descriptive statistics to organize, summarize and describe the important aspects of a set of characteristics observed in relation to the students surveyed and also to compare their opinions. Considering the Importance versus Performance Matrix allowed an insight into what attributes were considered more relevant for the students. The main results showed that 63% of the entrants were from private schools. In relation to cities where they lived, 78% belonged to the Secretary of Regional Development (SRD) of Blumenau, comprising the cities of Blumenau, Gaspar, lhota, Luiz Alves and Pomerode. The shift with more students entering was the morning, with 49% followed by the night shift, with 46%. As for the paid work performance, 59% worked and 41% did not work. The attributes considered the most relevant for choosing FURBs courses were: reputation in the market place, location, infrastructure, level of teachers; reputation on the scientific and technological research carried out and overall quality of the course. For future studies it is suggested that the students perception be checked while academics of FURB, after their first year of studies. With this, one will be able to check the changes and actions to establish retention of students, based on the attributes that they still considered relevant


ensino superior atributos de atração estudantes de ensino médio escolha de cursos superiores administracao universidades e faculdades - administração; planejamento estratégico; marketing planejamento management of higher education institutions marketing in higher education institutions attributes of attraction high school students choosing colleges

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