Associação entre trabalho materno e resultados gestacionais




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ef teet of paid employment and physical activity over the evolution of gestation and neonatal outeome. Extensive interviews, with 120 questions, were applied to 865 women with paid employment and to 1384 who did no have a paid oeeupation, during the seeond or third day post-partum. Information on soeio-eeonomie, demographie and nutritional variables, domestie and employment related physieal activities, reproductive history, morbidity before and during pregnaney and neonatal outeome were colleeted and analyzed. Seores for domestie and at-work physical activity were caleulated and ineluded in the analysis (univariate and linear and multiple logistie regressio.n). Almost one third of employed women worked more than 8 hours a day or more than 5 days per week. Working women had better soeio-eeonomie and nutritional status, but their reproduetive history was not difterent than among unemployed women. No assoeiation was found between employment status and eomplieations during pregnaney or eonditions of the newborns. There was a direet assoeiatiQ.n between intensity of physical aetivity at work with the rate of premature labor and small for gestational age, and an inverse eorrelation between the seore of domestie physieal aetivity and premature labor, premature rupture of membranes or prematurity. Several eonfounders should be eonsidered, sueh as age, years of sehooling, maternal weight and smoking during pregnaney, as they showed to be assoeiated to the rate of maternal and neonatal eomplications. A reduetion in the physical activity of working women with excessive workload is reeommended to improve neonatal outeome


trabalho prematuro saude materno-infantil feto - retardo do desenvolvimento

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