Aspectos da indústria paranaense: 1930-1970 / Aspects of the paranaense industry: 1930-1970




This investigation deals with the industrialization process in Paraná, (XX century), particularly on Curitibas grand. The study begins in the 30s, when Brazil entered the period of substitutive industrialization. Then occurred a change from mercantile sources of accumulation to industrial ones. This was performed under the limits of backwarded capitalism. Substitutive industrialization brought with a generalized industrialization process, which in Paraná was based on small amounts of capital from small businessmen that slowly obtained the support of mercantile sources. This, substitutive industrialization moved through the 40s and 50s. In the years of (19)60 the substitutive industrialization came to an end. Then, the process of industrialization in Paraná was reallocated as a complementary function of the vigorous industrialization in São Paulo.


urbanization crescimento da renda industrialization population movements movimentos populacionais erva-mate industrialização colonization front tea-mate frentes de colonização madeireiras income growth urbanização timber-corporations

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