As fontes culturais elaboradas sincreticamente no teatro anchietano / The cultural sources syncretically elaborated in Anchieta\ s theater


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this work is the understanding on José de Anchieta, a catholic priest, who has developed his literary composition which was distributed in twelve theatrical plays. He connected the European culture strongly influenced by the Christianity with the Brazilian indigenous culture. Some myths and habits described by the historians who had travelled throughout Brazil in the XVI century will be accurately studied. It will also be mentioned the tradition of the theater in Portugal in its popular diversity as: mimes, narrative novels spoken on the streets and dramatic theater games; in the school tradition, the comedies and tragedies; and in the religious, the feast that celebrates Jesus nativity and the plays about religious theater. Anchieta started to talk to an audience constituted by European settlers most of them were in fact banished people and he also spoke to the native who could speak the Brazilian language. By the way, it was a very brand new audience for him. Therefore for the Gospel message be understandable through his plays, it was necessary a re-elaboration about the European and the native cultural elements to launch a syncretic process where the Christian God (Jeová) is going to take the form of Tupã; the angels are going to win colored wings as it is in the native way; the Devil is going to be diversified in more than one and will be called by native names with such characteristics known as being the Curupira the Caapora, the Baetata and other native devils. Some of the native habits as the polygamy, the fact of some native having several wives; the cauinagens, feasts where the native drank a fermented beverage made mainly of roots and fruit; the anthropophagi, a ritual where the native practiced devouring prisoners from their rival tribes in order to revenge the death of their ancestors, all of these subjects are discussed in Anchietas theater. However, other habits will be accepted and re-signified as the opening of the paths for the karaíbas; the trimming and the sweep of these paths where the errant prophets would pass by; or changing the names of their executioners. Such a habit that lately it will be utilizable by the priests to speak about the baptism where the native would assume a new name and a new personality. To understand the beginning of the first steps of the theater in Brazil, written by José de Anchieta in the early of the XVI century is to search for an understanding of the characteristics that initiated the formation of the Brazilian culture.


introdução do cristianismo no brasil mitos indígenas elaborados primórdios do teatro no brasil re-elaborated native myths sincretismo no teatro brasileiro teatro anchietano the anchietas theater the earliest time of the theater in brazil the introduction of the christianity in brazil the syncretism in the theater of brazil

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