Artifício e presentificação: a comunicação do Fantástico




This research examines the relations between the Literature and Mediatics Ambients in the Bioy Casaress ficcional work.s. Considering the fantastic like a text of the culture, into the oral tradition, in the artes, media and literature, the author establishes news parameter of analysis in the writ of the continent, since the chronicles of the discovery until the boom of the literature. Considerang, that the theorical studies and the concrets analysis about the cultures and their texts complicate himself when involve the regions or civilizations process where dont impires the rigorous linear conception and the succession progressive, like Latin America, vindicate a necessity to develop no rigorous notions to be aplicated at the moving mosaics of signification. And, so, it asking one adjust of the known notions to the historical and space especifying of objects and themes in the question. The fantastic (in his various dimension) this is a hybrid text, very difficult to be separeted of the amalgam composed by baroque, carnival, parody, antropophagy, insert into the space, the landscape, which engenders various standarts or modality in the writ, flattening the texture work-reality. The cultures which are sheltering a high number of the cultures in their inteior need to amplifying their capacity of translation, to press the relationship between the codes, texts, series, and systms, to fine the complexity structural, a combination syntax of the intersemioses. In this way, is considered the theorical vindication and the practice realization of the fantastic narrative conceptioned by partnership with the friend Borges. Think about the relations between Literature and Mediatics Ambients in the Bioy Casaress ficcion is go trough the history of translations process which inscribe themself like a tradition continental writ.


casares, adolfo bioy -- 1914-1999 -- crítica e interpretação intersemiose medias literatura argentina fantastic poetic paródia fantástico comunicacao intersemiosis mídias poética literature parody

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