Análise qualiquantitativa da permeabilidade dentinária do terço apical de diferentes grupos dentais / Qualiquantitative analysis of apical dentin permeability in different dental groups




This ex vivo study evaluated histochemically the dentin permeability of the root canal walls in the apical third of different human dental groups, analyzing the pattern of dentinal tubule distribution and the presence of sclerotic dentin in this region. Eighty teeth were used, being 8 of each dental group - maxillary and mandibular central incisors, lateral incisors and canines, maxillary first premolars (buccal and palatal roots), mandibular first premolars, and maxillary and mandibular second premolars -, totalizing 88 roots that were distributed in 11 groups. The root canals were instrumented with the K3 rotary system according to the Free Tip Preparation technique (PÉCORA et al. 2002), using 1% NaOCl as irrigant and final irrigation with 15% EDTA. After root canal preparation, the roots were immersed in a 10% copper sulfate solution for 30 minutes and then in a 1% rubeanic acid alcoholic solution for the same time. This chemical reaction reveals dentin permeability by the formation of copper rubeanate, which is a dark-colored compound. Semiserial 100-µm-thick cross-sections were obtained from the apical third of the roots. Five sections of each apical third were ground, washed, dehydrated, cleared and mounted on glass slides for examination under optical microscopy. The percentage of copper ion infiltration and the amount of tubular dentin were quantified by morphometric analysis. The data were recorded to determine the patterns of infiltration into the sclerotic dentin. The percent values of copper ion infiltration were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukeys test. The results showed that the infiltration of copper ions in the apical third ranged from 4.60% to 16.66%. The mandibular central and lateral incisors presented the highest dentin permeability values (16.66%), while the maxillary canines and mandibular second and first premolars presented the lowest percent infiltration values, 4.60%, 4.80% and 5.71%, respectively (p<0.001). The other teeth presented intermediate permeability. Based on the analysis of dentinal tubule distribution, marked by copper ion penetration, a 7-type classification was established: Type I total distribution around the canal; Type II semitotal distribution; Type III unipolar distribution; Type IV bipolar distribution; Type V tripolar distribution; Type VI tetrapolar distribution; Type VII no penetration (total presence of sclerotic dentin). This classification corresponds to the double effect, which indicates at the same time the presence of dentinal tubules and the absence of sclerotic dentin. The bipolar distribution (Type IV) had the highest incidence (10.0% to 57.5%) in the apical third of all studied teeth. Greatest amount of sclerotic dentin, which means where no copper ion infiltration occurred (Type VII), was observed more frequently in the maxillary canines and mandibular first and second premolars.


endodontia endodontics terço apical dentina dentin permeabitity permeabilidade dentinária apical third dentin

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