Análise in vitro da presença de infiltração apical em dentes apicectomizados com técnica convencional e com o Laser de Er:YAG.




The high number of failure in Endodontic Surgery is mostly correlated to the lack of an adequate marginal sealing after an apicoectomy, compromising the maintenance of an environment not vulnerable to bacterial penetration. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate (in vitro), by means of Methilene blue 2 %, the apical permeability of teeth after apicoectomy procedure performed either with conventional method or with Er:YAG Laser. Fifty-four freshly extracted anterior teeth were randomly divided into nine groups of six, and the apicoectomy was performed as follows: Group I: conventional apicoectomy (burs); Group II: conventional apicoectomy (burs) + retro filled with glass ionomer cement (VITREMER ? 3M); Group III: conventional apicoectomy (burs) + apical vitrification with CO2 Laser; Group IV: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser, 250 mJ/15Hz; Group V: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 400mJ/6Hz; Group VI: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 250 mJ/15 Hz + retro filled with glass ionomer cement (VITREMER ? 3M); Group VII: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 400mJ/6 Hz + retro filled with glass ionomer cement (VITREMER ? 3M); Group VIII: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 250mJ/15Hz + apical vitrification with CO2 Laser; Group IX: apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 400mJ/6 Hz + apical vitrification de CO2 Laser. After impermeabilization, the roots remained immersed in individual recipients containing Methilene blue 2 % for a period of 48 hours and kept into a microbiological stove (FANEM) at 37C. Then, the specimens were cleaned, sectioned and taken to evaluation of apical permeability with a stereoscopic magnifying glass (ZEISS) and submitted to statistical analysis through Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that group IV (apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 250mJ/15Hz) presented the highest levels of apical leakage. However, there was a reduction of permeability in group IX (apicoectomy with Er:YAG laser 400mJ/6 Hz + apical vitrification de CO2 Laser.). The least levels of apical leakage were observed in group V (apicoectomy with Er:YAG Laser 400mJ/6Hz), justify therefore the use of Lasers in apicoectomy.


infiltração apical apicoectomy apicectomia er:yag and co2 laser laser de er:yag e co2 apical infiltration endodontia

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