Análise do processo empreendedor e do processo estratégico : o caso da Bematech




The fast pace of change and innovation, affecting the current business environment and marketing positioning, have forced the small &medium enterprise (SME) to embrace new concepts and strategic management tools to help them succeed. On the other hand, large corporations have been sensing that in order to maintain their competitiveness, they must search for innovation, creativeness and entrepreneurial vision. That takes to the theoretical discussion about a convergence of the entrepreneurship and strategic management fields. The objective of this dissertation was to verify how the Entrepreneurial and Strategic Processes occurred and interacted in a company through a case study in Bematech, a successful technological based enterprise from Paraná. As this is a descriptive research, mainly qualitative, it deals with the development of the organization under study through secondary and primary data. The secondary data consisted of a CEOs lecture, company documents and their internet page. The primary data consisted of unstructured and structured-driven interviews with the two co-founders who are the main decision makers of the company and the strategic planning coordinator. The analysis showed which characteristics were revealed in the decision making during the creation and development of the organization, the strategic management tools that have been used in the company and when the interactions of the two processes happened in practical terms.


planejamento estratégico desenvolvimento organizacional empreendimentos administracao

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