Análise de sobrevivência aplicada à estimativa da vida de prateleira de salsicha




This study had as an objective to determine the shelf life of vacuum packed frankfurter stored at 2C, 6.5C, 15C and 21C, besides to identify the main deterioration causes and to apply the statistical tool of survival analysis for evaluation of the results. Firstly a preliminary study was accomplished to discover which parameters were involved in the spoilage process. It was obtained alteration during the shelf life process from the analyses, like bacteria total count, lactic acid bacteria and pH. The expiring date of the frankfurter shelf life was determined when the lactic acid bacteria reached level 107 cfu/g with a slimy formation, which harmed its appearance visibly. The frankfurter contamination by this bacterium is due the recontamination after heat treatment during the packing process and due its sensibility to the heat. Afterwards, samples were exposed to different temperatures and monitored pre-determined time.s periods. According to the microbiological evaluation, the inappropriate packages for consumption, combined with the sensorial were considered as " failure ", and the capable samples were denominated as " censure ". With the survival analysis support, it was possible to establish a shelf life of 43 days and it may have a possibility of 95% of packages without alterations for frankfurter kept into temperature of 2C, 21 days with possibility of 91% of the packages without alterations to 6.5C, 5 days with possibility of 92% of the packages without alterations to 15C and 2.6 days with possibility of 92% of the packages without alterations to 21C. This way, it is assured to say the lactic acid bacteria were the main cause of deterioration of frankfurter and that the survival analysis can be used not only for clinical, epidemic, biological, sociological studies and rehabilitation studies but also to assess the processed food shelf life.


salsichas - embalagens bactérias láticas vida de prateleira ciencia de alimentos

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