Análise de aspectos motivacionais que influenciam os atores no processo de software




The success of the process of software development exclusively doesn t depend on the methodologies and used techniques, but mainly on the people who are involved with this process. The concern with the motivation of the professionals is each more increasing time in the organizations, this due to the acceptance of the direct relation between motivation and performance, that is, how much bigger the motivation, greater the performance of the professional in its activities and, consequently, greater will be the success of the activities for executed. This work elaborated a set of motivational aspects, based in specialized literature (psychology), accomplishing a research of field with eighty professionals of development of software of several software companies in several Brazilian states. This research had as objective identify the degree of importance of each motivational aspect in agreement with the opinion of these professionals and as these aspects are being put into practice in your organizations. KEYWORDS: P-CMM; Motivational Aspects; Leadership; Performance employee.


sistemas de informacao informÁtica - dissertaÇÕes

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