ANÁLISE DAS RELAÇÕES DE REDE E DO PERFIL DA COMPETITIVIDADE TURÍSTICA: estudo comparativo entre São Francisco do Sul e Laguna - SC




Small and medium enterprises networks are taken as local development stragies focused on territorial agglomeration and cooperation in order to reach competitiveness. This study shows a descriptive, comparative and quantitative approach. The main objective consists on analyzing network relationships and tourism competitiveness in São Francisco do Sul and Laguna Santa Catarina Brazil. In order to reach this aim, the destinations were described, local players and their hole for local tourism were identified, network relationships were presented and also, competitiveness indicators were analyzed. The methodology used was a documental and bibliography research followed by a field research. The data was colleted trough 49 personal interviews and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical support as descriptive measures, frequencies, central tendency, dispersion, association and comparison between two or more groups. It was concluded that both cities were very similar in most aspects, even in cooperation and competition levels. The significant differences were just about the importance of non private organizations for local tourism and territorial agglomeration, both higher in Laguna. Both cities also showed differences in cooperation action frequencies, even they showed this barely happen. It was not possible to identify the approached tourism destinations as SMEs networks, and also the highest level of territorial agglomeration could not be linked to highest cooperation or competition levels among local partners. The micro competitiveness indicators showed strong association between revenues and cooperation in the studied sample and also higher values for Sao Francisco do Sul, where it was identified increased levels of cooperation, communication and trust between local tourism organizations during the last five years. Due to macro competitiveness indicators, it was possible to affirm that the registered perception was different from official statistics, mainly in Laguna. These numbers suggested highest tourism market share indicators for Laguna, where it was found the highest level of territorial agglomeration. On the other hand, it was not found evidence which show best impacts for the local economy in terms of employment and salary for the same city. By the end, it was presented the study limitations and besides suggestions for future research.


territorial agglomeration tourism small and medium enterprises (sme) networks cooperação cooperation competição competitiveness redes de pequenas e médias empresas turísticas competitividade destinações turísticas tourism destination aglomeração territorial turismo pequenas e médias empresas competition

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