Ambiente e educação: abordagens metodológicas da percepção ambiental voltadas a uma Unidade de Conservação.




The rapid current environmental modifications of the different human activities constitute a constant menace to the biodiversity and it could be related to the perception of the society about the environmental problem and the regional producing activities. In this sense, the investigation of the environmental perception constitutes an indispensable tool for research projects that approach the relationships human-environmental and management of ecosystems. The main objective of this work was environmental perception investigation of the fundamental educational of three surrounding places (Rincão, Guatapará and Luiz Antônio) to the Ecological Station of Jataí (EEJ), Luiz Antônio, SP The results of the present study allowed to observe that the most of the educational ones to conceive the man as component of the environmental, the perception of the concept of Environmental Education still privileges basically actions ON the environmental, favored by the knowledge acquisition on the biophysical component. The environmental perception of the educational ones revealed an content of lived experiences in relation to the environmental impacts associated to the patterns of the landscape local, conservation as meaning attribution for EEJ, researches, conservation and environmental education jointly as proposed of use for EEJ and, the natural characteristics as main determinant of the preferences and quality landscapes. The results of that investigation facilitated the rising of the knowledge of the values area in the technical and human context, essential to determine the specific objectives of a Program of Education Environmental followed to an conservation unit


luiz antônio (sp) estação ecológica de jataí (sp) educação ambiental educação e percepção ambiental ciencias biologicas docentes do ensino fundamental

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