AlteraÃÃes cognitivas na esquizofrenia




This study is a revision of the literature on the cognitive impairment in the schizophrenia. The analysis of the nature was objectified and of the pattern of that impairment the establishment of associations among the clinical variables and the acting neuropsychologycal, and the determination of the correlations among the cognitive deficits in the schizophrenia and its substrata underlying neurals. They were reviewed the schizophrenia concepts and its historical evolution, clinical aspects, current classifications, diagnosis differential, epidemiology and the etiological hypotheses, aspects neurophatologicals and course, prognostic and results initially. The main cognitive function concepts and characteristics were discossed and it was described the purposes and the methods of evaluation neuropsychologycal of the cognitive functions. Study was accomplished with relationship to the main contributions of the neuropsychology in the area of mental health and it was described the concept and history of the neuropsychology and of the cognitive deficit related to the schizophrenia. The conceptual aspects and the clinical usefulness of the evaluation neuropsychologycal were approached. The revision of the literature was made through the consultation to four databases: Medline, PsychInfo, LILACS and Web of Science. It also took place manual search starting from bibliographical references listed by the selected goods and chapters of books on the area in study. They were included in this revision the goods that filled the following approaches: published in the last ten years, clinical studies with comparative and patient groups with schizophrenia diagnosis. The results of the revised studies were commented, its main conclusions and stood out the clinical importance of the study of the cognitive impairment in the schizophrenia


neuropsicologia ciÃncias da saÃde comprometimento cognitivo esquizofrenia

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