Adaptação da técnica de PRC múltipla para a identificação de Salmonella SP. e dos soropositivos TYPHI, enteritidis e typhimurium por em carcaças e miúdos de aves comercializados no Distrito Federal




The occurrence of food outbreaks increase worldwide. Salmonella sp. are responsible for outbreaks and can lead to death. The present work successfully detected Salmonella sp. and its serotypes Enteritidis, Typhi and Typhimurium in poultry meat sold in Distrito Federal by multiplex PCR (mPCR) technique and also by microbiological traditional tests. The achieved results demonstrate mPCR as a technique capable of detect Salmonella sp. in 2,74% of the analyzed viscera samples. The serotype Enteritidis was identified in 1,37% of the viscera. Regarding carcass samples, none of them were positive for Salmonella sp.. Microbiological traditional tests were able to detect 2,74% of the positive viscera samples for Salmonella sp.. This methodology, however, was not able to detect serotype. The mPCR technique can be performed within 18h and is also able to detect the serotype Enteritidis.


food microbiology multiplex pcr microbiologia de alimentos pesquisa de salmonella sp. carnes de aves pcr múltipla sorotipos de salmonella enterica enterica salmonella sp. research salmonella enterica enterica biologia molecular molecular biology saude animal (programas sanitarios) poultry meat

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