A teoria das cores de Goethe hoje / Goethe´s theory of colours today




This work investigates the principles and bases of Goethes Theory of Colours (Farbenlehre") as part of his studies as a Natures scientist. A translation of Goethes essay on scientific methods ("Kautelen des Beobachters") and another on prismatic experiments ("Beitrag zur Optik"), where he sets the bases of his 30 years work on colours studies, are presented in this work too. The papers translated here were never before available in Portuguese, and they represent relevant subsidies for a comprehensive understanding of the "Farbenlehre". This research aims to contribute to the recovery of the Goetheans Phenomenology for the cultural enviroment of our days.


cromática chromatic harmony cores complementares espectro harmonia cromática polarity intensificatiion círculo de cores prismatic experiment complementary colours teoria das cores teory of colours arquefenômeno goethean goethe prisma cor base phenomena goethe goetheano spectrum chromatics intensificação prisma experimento prismático colour circle polaridade

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