A study of relevant aspects of accounting and its uses in building construction line companies. / Um estudo sobre os aspectos relevantes da contabilidade e o seu uso em empresas do setor de construção civil.




This work investigates the aspects of the accounting of bulding construction companies (contractors) related to clarify the existent problems and the requirements to be useful in supportting the decision making processes. Different entries are demonstrated for those companies and discussions are made regarding those different recording in the light of Accounting Theory. Critical comments are also made regarding the analysis of financial statements of those companies and it is presented a complementary unconventional ratios, showing two important aspects of accounting: the informative ability of accounting and the relevance of information disclosed in footnotes.


accounting standards reconhecimento do lucro normas contábeis análise de demonstrações contábeis building construction construção civil accounting statement analysis indicadores de desempenho performance ratio recognition of profit

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