A responsabilidade social corporativa no processo e privatizaÃÃo em Pernambuco: uma leitura institucional




This work has as objective to verify if the increasing adoption of corporative social actions characterizes a institutionalization process of the social responsibility in the companies privatized in Pernambuco. For in such a way, it was used as theoretical landmark the institutional theory to analyze the evolution of the social involvements of the companies. The methodological procedure is based on a qualitative approach of the primary and secondary data collected through interviews, sites of the companies and institutional documents. The analysis techniques of used data had been: the documentary analysis and the analysis of the speech. The description of the cases was made identifying as if it characterized the social performance of the companies while they were part of the state, and more recently, when they were privatized. It was verified that after the privatization, the analyzed companies had started to create institutes or departments for the social actions and had incorporated ethical values and the social responsibility in its organization missions, visions and values. The work concludes that the social responsibility is in institutionalization process in the companies privatized in Pernambuco, however, despite the advances in the social area, identified in the research, the complete institutionalization of the social responsibility in the related companies still not verified. The speech of "socially responsible" company is institutionalized in the speeches of the leaders and in institutional documents; however, the social responsibility is not seen as norm, evidencing several disconnections between the rhetoric and the practice


responsabilidade social social responsibility institutionalization process privatization administracao processo de institucionalizaÃÃo privatizaÃÃo pernambuco isomorfismo legitimidade legitimacy isomorphism pernambuco

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