A produção de sentidos sobre o aprender e ensinar matemática na formação inicial de professores para a educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental / The production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics in the initial teachers education for early childhood education and early years of elementary school




This research s attempts to answer the problem: "how is the movement of production of meaning about teaching and learning mathematics students from the pedagogy course in the initial training trajectory and how they support the meaning they can produce?" The research is made from a training proposal referenced by Engeström s Activity Theory developed during Mathematics and Teaching Methodology classes and during the Supervised Internship with students of Pedagogy course. The research is characterized by investigating the production of meaning in a group of four female students during the classes of those two subjects that we have developed the Training Activity Systems. In the training proposal development and data analysis, we refer ourselves to the assumptions of historical-cultural theory, in particular, the Activity Theory of Vygostsky , Leontiev and Engeström. This study is characterized as a qualitative case study due to the nature of matter, context and individuals involved. Our source of research data was the portfolios of those two subjects and the supervised internship, researcher/ teacher s field diary and notes of supervised internship meetings. For analysis, we organize the data into five thematic blocks, defined from its own Supervised Internship Training System, that are: School history and production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics; The planning and production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics; The mathematical knowledge in movement; The production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics in interactivity and evaluation and production of meanings about learning and teaching mathematics. The thematic blocks are consisted by training episodes, considering those moments when the contradictions, tensions, dialogicity and multivoiced were present and could reveal the movements of meaning constitution about the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. The results indicate that the female students change their way of teaching and learning mathematics, incorporating into their practices aspects of activity theory. We can highlight as features of meaning production movement about learning and teaching mathematics: it is situated and historical; the meanings are produced in the interrelation between the meanings in mathematics, teaching and learning; the meanings are produced from the dialogue, interaction, negotiation, and contradictions; the production of meaning is not linear, it presents discontinuities and oscillations. The meanings are underpinned in the training process, when they are mediated by conscious learning and when the effective reasons that instigate the female students to act are empowered during the training process intentionally sustained by the teacher educator affiliated with the historical-cultural approach.


formação de professores teoria da atividade educação matemática sentidos e sensações teachers education pedagogy course activity theory sense meaning mathematics education curso de pedagogia

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