A produção continuada dos corpos : praticas de resguardo entre os Wapichana e os Macuxi em Roraima




This study concerns ?resguardos?, a set of restrictions on food and activities which are set in motion at the times of birth and menstruation among the Wapichana and the Macuxi Indians in the State of Roraima. In articulating alimentary ethics and aspects of ethnophysiology, the ?resguardos? integrate a political economy of the blood, the purpose of which is to keep the body within the boundaries of the human condition, bodies that are constantly being threatened by all species of ?bichos?. At birth, abstinence from sex and daily activities observed by ego?s kindred indicates that the body of the newborn is not yet finished, but must be submitted to a humanization process that indelibly marks the link between parents and children. The study of ethnophysiology, especially, allows us to glimpse the associations between the social and the cosmos


indios macuxi indios waptxana cosmologia

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