A interação do brincar em um espaço escolar entre crianças de 6 a 10 anos de idade: um estudo a partir da abordagem de Donald W. Winnicott




This research was conducted through observation of play activities in a school place and aimed to investigate the spontaneous interactions that occur among children with 6 to 10 years old in the range of classes in an elementary school in Sao Paulos city. The theoretical work was based on the contributions of Donald Winnicott and Rachel Soifer. This research was conducted in a private school for three months and the procedure was based on observation and recording of data. In data analysis, we used some categories arising from own observations, always having as reference the contributions of Donald Winnicott and Raquel Soifer. The categories examined were: imagination, problem solving, the play alone, socialization, competition and rivalry, the issue of gender, fear and power, friendship, a possible case of transitional object and the observer and the children. We concluded that the play in these situations favored socialization, conflict resolution, development of unconscious fantasies, etc


criancas -- desenvolvimento winnicott, donald woods -- [1896-1971] brincadeiras -- aspectos psicologicos brincar child development psicologia play desenvolvimento infantil

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