A ideologia da pos-modernidade e a politica de gestão educacional brasileira




In this work, we present an analysis of the reform of the school management implemented in the 1990?s, as a component of the reform of the basic education and of the Reform of the Brazilian State, articulated to the ideology of the post-modernity, expression of the current standard of accumulation of capital, that engenders among other ?mechanisms?, the neo liberalism and the globalization. The study is organized in three chapters. In the first chapter, the concern is comprehending the articulation between the transformations of the capitalism and the new standard of the State, that echo in the organization of other social instances. It is because of this that we approach the taylorismo-fordismo, logic of management/control of the work present in the standard of the Welfare State, and afterwards some of the political and economical pre suppositions that expressed themselves in the 1990?s, through the neo liberalism. In the second chapter we discuss the ideology of the post-modernity as a group of theoretic-methodological principles of ideological character, that among other we have the neo liberalism and the globalization; examining its origin and the presupposition that flowed into propagation of the need of a ?new rationality?, or of a new control of work, that would be implemented via the flexible accumulation; we discuss, in general lines, the category rationality and deal with the articulation between the ?new rationality?, post-modern, and the reform of the State and of the basic education. In the third chapter, we discuss the reform of the school management, implemented for the materialization of the reform of basic education and, therefore, of the Brazilian State. We analyze from documents of authors that we consider central in the treatment of the question, the efficiency of marketing demanded and the ?new rationality? proposed to the educational system and the school unities that should be implemented through the mechanism of decentralization, autonomy and assessment of the outcomes, based on political and ideological pre suppositions of the reform wanted. In the conclusion, our concern is to explain that the pre supposition of a ?new rationality? to the reform of the State and the school management through theoretical-methodological of post- modernity, and therefore, of the neo liberal idealism, does not have other aim but to get the modern capitalist rationality, for which the education, beside other social practices, has, from the ideological point of view, primordial function in the social control


educação e estado politica e educação educação basica ideologia basic education racionalidade globalization neo liberalism ideology education and state rationality politics and education globalização neoliberalismo

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