A formação do administrador de empresas na sociedade global




The matter is a work of investigation and analysis of the historic-institutional conditions in which the teaching of Philosophy became an accepted part of graduation courses for Business Administration in Brazil, according to the available historical records and according to the knowledge which was acquired in the course of this teaching. This historicinstitutional retrieving revealed that Philosophy went from its absenteeism to a basic and instrumental matter, in the minimum curriculum, as well as in the curriculum guides for the above mentioned study, with its contents centered in ethics, in accordance with the standing legislation. On the other side, Ethics itself, separated from Philosophy was presented as an emerging topic in the Curriculum Guides. After all, which Philosophy and which Ethics were being discussed? It was then necessary to make explicit, with the context of how and why for these changes, the reason for Philosophy and Ethics in the Minimum Curriculum and in the Curriculum Guide for the study of Business Administration in Brazil.


etica filosofia administração de empresas curriculos

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