As políticas educacionais e a responsabilidade social na formação do administrador de empresas




The present work has as subject "educational politics and the social responsibility in the formation of the administrator of companies" and understands the formation of the professional for responsible performance in the society. The social relevance of the work this in to show the stained vision of the social responsibility in the present time, therefore this has been used many times as tool of commercial promotion, as currency of exchange, as distinguishing competitive, or only as legal obligatoriness for isolated actions. The search for the change of this picture, instigates and grows in importance, for the fact of being the social responsibility, when understood well, a north for the aspirations for the harmonization of the life in society. Pondering the depth and the importance of the subject, one gives credit that the way most efficient to provoke critical and reflections how much to the social responsibility, it is acting directly in the process of formation of professional-citizens, in Institutions of Superior Education. The general objective that guided the development of the research was to analyze as the social responsibility is worked in the formation of the professional of business administration. The main authors who had based the theoretical recital had been: Aragão (2000), Karkotli (2004) and Kanitz (2007), about Social Responsibility; Brundtland (1991) and ICONS (2003) for sustainable development; Lipovetsky (1994) and Leão (2003) in order to search answers to the questioning about the dualidade between ethics and marketing in the social responsibility; Veiga (1995), Santomé (1998) and Moreira (2006) to base referring questions to the Pedagogical Project and Resume; Sauvé (1997), Lima (2003), Calderón (2005) and Volpi (2006) about the formation process on the IES; Poulantzas (2000), Azevedo (2001) and Brasil (2002 e 2004) to authenticate the questions on educational politics and the social responsibility. The type of employed research is of qualitative boarding, by means of study of case, understood as an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon inside contemporary of a context of the real life. In order to contemplate the elencados specific objectives, were investigated the course of Business administration of a private IES of the city of Curitiba. The work has as structure five chapters beyond the introduction, that deal with the subject social responsibility of general form, the educational formation of the administrator of companies related to the social responsibility, politics and the social responsibility, analysis of the data collected in the field research and the conclusions.


administradores de empresa educacao ensino superior responsabilidade social da empresa responsabilidade social da empresa

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