A face criminosa: O neolombrosianismo no Recife da dÃcada de 1930




According to the motto that there would be no crime, but only born criminals, the Criminal Anthropology has consolidated itself as scientific current in the end of the XIX century. Elaborated by the doctor Cesare Lombroso, the theory used to advocate the idea of the human biological pre disposition to the anti-social behavior, which he named as born criminal. When studding the facial features and the body constitution of these individuals, Lombroso has contributed to the elaboration of the forensic identification system. The aim of our work is to analyze the resumption of Criminal Anthology in the 1930âs, under the form of medical-juridical identification concept, having as complement the Criminal Biotypology and the Criminal Endocrinology. These currents have composed the neolombrosianism, which have extended the forensic identification methods. The categories would be determined by physicalfacial measurements and exams of the human body considered degenerated by the experts. The eye of the society has adopted these identification methods as a way to delimitate the individuals that should be excluded from the society, stigmatizing mainly the poor, and people suffering from specific diseases or physical characteristics (such as epilepsy), that would indicate the alleged âmoral degenerationâ. However, how the criminal identification techniques were used by the judiciary in Pernambuco? How has the neolombrosianism developed itself in the academic centers and at the institutes linked to the Pernambucanâs judiciary? To discuss this problematic, we used journals, academic theses from Recifeâs College of Law and Medicine (Faculdade de Direito do Recife e Medicina) as well as identification forms from GIEC and the reports of IML (Legal Medical Institution), which have drafted the path of social exclusion when trying to fit specific social groups as broadcasters of delinquency


historia neolombrosianismo criminal identificatio criminologia criminology identificaÃÃo criminal neolombrosianismo

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