A fábrica é dos mehin : desenvolvimento sustentável e povos indígenas vistos a partir do caso da FrutaSã




The aim of this research is to analyse the sustainable development involving the indigenous societies, in particular the Timbira people.In this analysis they are represented by the Wyty Catë Association of the Timbira Communities from Maranhão and Tocantins states. This study is about FrutaSã, which is a small company that produces typical fruit pulp from the Cerrado, most of it picked by rural producers and in small scale by indigenous communities.The factory, which is located in Carolina town in Maranhão State, aims mainly at maintaining an indigenous association and the indigenous cultural events in the tribes, at offering the small producers the possibility of having some income and at conserving the Cerrado as well.The factory owners are indigenous and indigenist organizations.Not only is the course of the enterprise in the past years analysed, but also its income that sustains it as a possibility of autonomy for the indigenous peoples in the region.The strategies used by these peoples to conciliate the interest in the biodiversity conservation and their social and cultural organization are also analysed in this study.The theoretical reference made is based on an extensive revision of the sustainable development and ethnodevelopment issues related to the indigenous peoples and the synergy they have with the conservation of the biodiversity, autonomy and social emancipation.


autonomia povos indígenas ecologia autonomy indigenous people cerrado cerrado desenvolvimento sustentável sustainable development

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