A excelência escolar: um estudo sobre estratégias educativas em famílias com filhos de rendimento escolar elevado




This research searches to understand how students with high school findings mobilized and are mobilized for the school excellence. Actually, there are few pieces of reflection on the socialization forms and the educational strategies high-school teenagers have been submitted. The majority concerns of the studies in this area are due to failure,demoralization, learning deficit, and so forth. This investigation has used questionnaires and interviews with parents, teachers and students from a private school in Blumenau, Santa Catarina. In 2006, ninety-six high-school students made part of this research, but only six of them got the annual result equal or higher than 9.0. The collection of data started in December, 2006 and it finished in July, 2007. The analyses have showed the high school findings at female people; the expressive number of mothers who were or are still teachers; the discipline at home studies; the family conscience on value the school; the constant incentive to get high grades and the intense concern of five students to be inside a public university. The purposes of this research are offering subsidies to hold a debate; the progress of knowledge on the values attached in the families with children with high school findings; and watching the strategies done by these students


educational strategies school findings estratégias educativas educacao school excellence desempenho de aprendizagem; rendimento escolar; educação - participação dos pais rendimento escolar excelência escolar

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