A dimensÃo polÃtica das prÃticas das ONGs e sua relaÃÃo com o Estado: um estudo de caso em Fortaleza




Our research aims identifying and analysing the political direction of the actions developed by non-governmental organizations and its level of influence in the process of democratization of the social policies they implement in partnership with the county public power, in the context of decentralization. The pressuposition that Brazilian non-governmental organizations suffered a change in their ouline in the last two decades, probably as a result of a sum of factors, guided this work.. Among these factors are the process of the country democratization ,the influence of a world process in which these organizations started to be valued as political actors and the arising of many organizations which were centered in the defense of democratical values. For understanding this practice it was necessary to carry out a historical recover of the arising and development of these organizations, finding their role in the third sector and trying to understand their insertion in our country between 1980/1990 , period of consolidation of these entities in the local/regional and national scenary , enlargement of democratic fights and changes in the material base of the capitalist society with consequences for the Brazilian society , provoking retraction of the state apparatus concerning social matters. We searched identifying the situation elements that allowed the relation with the Estate and the changes occured in the public policies that have incidence in their implementation through the non-governmental organizations. The research has its basis in the qualitative approach and it refers to a located situation, being characterized as a case study and having as parallel methodological resource , the content analysis. The subjects of the research were the directors of the partner institutions, non-governmental institutions (NGIs) ,managers of the program, project executors and service users


ongs - prÃticas servico social democracia - valores

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