A dança e o verbal nos processos de comunicação do corpo




The awareness of the role of dance and speech in communication processes, observed in the experience of a psychotherapic group formed by people with physical disabilities, IDade it necessary to transform this observation into the object of academic research in the area of communication. Thus, this dissertation aims to make meaning out of the processes of communication of the body, highlighting the role of dance and verballanguage in view of recent debates recently taking place in the area of Cognitive Sciences, abolir the issue mindbody. ln arder to put this issue into a context, this paper briefly refers to the historical perspective of the subject itself of mind and body, and of some related themes like dance, Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, and historical conceptions abOlir people with disabilities. This is a theoretical-practical study, which offers a report on the development of the group, based on material taken from its course from 1997 to 2001 (initial planning of sessions, notes on the improvement of the group, recording of presentations, photos, interviews, texts, and reflections on the group) so as to discuss the process of communication of the body, implied in the changes observed through the experience of participants. Lakoff and Johnson, William Clancey, and Antonio Damásio, are the core for the understanding on how information gets embodied. ln the last chapter, some of the concepts belonging to the Cognitive Sciences are put together with concepts belonging to the Analytic Psychology, so as to fulfill the need for the constitution of a toei to enable thinking on communicative processes of the body, happening in the specificity of this psychotherapic contexto


comunicacao do corpo corpo e mente comunicacao danca deficiente fisico

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