A curva de salário para a Região Metropolitana de Salvador: uma análise econométrica a partir dos dados da PED de 1997 a 2003.




In its research, Blanchflower; Oswald (1994), had shown that independently of the analyzed countries, of the period in consideration and the worked data, it seems to exist "an empirical law of the economy", that is, "folding it unemployment rate, the wage level falls one approximately one tenth". This dissertação has as intention estimate the curve of wage for the Region Metropolitan of Salvador, in period of 1997 the 2003, or either, to evidence the possible existence of a negative it enters the rate of local unemployment and the level of real wage. Search also to evaluate the degree of flexibility of the market of work of the related region, express through the coefficient of elasticity of the wage in relation to the unemployment rate. Additionally, it searchs to develop some analytical beddings to justify the wage curve theoretically, using itself as instrumental tool arcabouço theoretician of the models of wage-efficiency and wage bargain. The sources of data they are microgiven of the PED (Research of Job and Unemployment). The results of this research show that really a negative relation between wage and unemployment for the RMS, so the estimate of the elasticity of the unemployment in he is -0,27, when calculated for the method "cell means" and -0,013, when calculated for method "two-steps procedures


fexibilidade salarial curva de salário unemployement rate wage curve economia wage flexibility taxa de desemprego

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