A criação de textos teatrais a partir de jogos e das peças didáticas de Bertolt Brecht.




This work deals with a project of research and action carried through with a group of young people of a popular neighborhood in Salvador that searched to understand the emancipating potentials that the activity Theater-education could afford the participants. Such a perspective seeked the development of a methodology of education of the theater, from teatrical games, the history of life of each pupil, and the use of plays - that in the specific case of this study, were the educational plays of Bertolt Brecht, whose writings framed the bulge of both : the practical and theoretical parts -, and of techniques of interpretation, that make possible a process of awareness, a technical improvement in the art to interpret and the creation of refered theatrical texts in the experience of the participants. Parallel to the field work, a centered bibliographical revision in the theory of the poor theater, of Jerzy Grotowski was carried through; in the theater of the cruelty, of Antonin Artaud; and also in the reality of the scene with behaviors inspired by the real life, of Constantin Stanislavski. Theories and methodology of other authors who are close to the critical and at the same time, libertarian pedagogy. Such research helped in the evidence of that it is possible to make theater, with common people, uniting the experience of life of each one the theatrical techniques, this way contributing to make more critical citizens, with bigger autonomy and thus able to interact with a more refined reality, beyond a spectacle whose communication with the public be effective and show techinical refinement.


teatro-educação awareness educational play conscientização theater teatro educacao peça didática citizenship cidadania theater-education

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