A contribuição do setor saúde aos processos de licenciamento ambiental de empreendimentos: primeiras aproximações




Environmental issues that affect human health are a growing concern. It was only from the 1970s, that the concerns with the conservation and preservation of natural resources became prominent in the discussions on the quality of life, and only then some issues, like the dilemma of development and conservation-preservation were widely discussed. The debate on the problems caused by the impact of large ventures culminated in the preparation and institutionalization of environmental licensing as a key instrument of the National Environment Policy. This debate brings into view a matter of great importance: the relationship between health and environment. From the environmental licensing, used as an instrument of incorporation of health issues, an open discussion about the problems of pollution and the adverse effects caused by potentially polluting activities, and its impacts on human health, arises. To achieve some of the methodological steps, the National Inventory of Environmental Health, an instrument of surveillance in Environmental Health, was used as an instrument of rapprochement between the three spheres of the Unified Healthcare System (SUS), for the collection and analysis of information. The gathering of the information made possible the organization of a workshop for the presentation of the work experiences of these spheres in the processes of environmental licensing. Another stage of the research demonstrated how the health sector is working together with the Environmental Agency (IBAMA) in these licensing procedures, through information collected in the Environmental Licensing System of the IBAMA. This research presents a preliminary diagnosis of the performance of the health sector in the processes of environmental licensing, as a contribution to public policies that are favorable to health conditions and the environment, for the development of ecologically sustainable projects.


saúde ambiental development human health saúde humana galaxias licensing environment empreendimentos potencialmente poluidores environmental health desenvolvimento procedures for environmental licensing processos de licenciamento ambiental inventário nacional de saúde ambiental licenciamento ambiental potentially polluting enterprises national inventory of environmental health

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