A cidade de Pirenópolis e o impacto do tombamento




The geographic position, and the urban landscape that we find in Pirenópolis, established in 1727, in the height of the mining, added to the some cycles that the city crossed, they print in its architecture contemporary fragmented images of the golden time of then the Village of Half Bridge, and that it caused its register for the IPHAN in 1989, The capital assets represent a bridge between the past and the gift and are unquestionable the necessity of conservation of this cultural patrimony. The when construction to be preserved is constituted of an isolated monument, is bigger the acceptance although in a region of great real estate speculation if it presents as one empecilho for the vertical construction, hindering the easy profit The same it does not occur when the intervention if makes in an urban set, reaching the individual property, where the transformation demand occurs parallel to the necessities of the daily one. E generally, these start to integrate tourist plans, as instrument of social insertion with the possibility of one determined economic sustentabilidade. The contact of the tourist with the visited locality is ephemeral and superficial, and rare a permanent bond with the place is established not having therefore any personal commitment, with its physical or ambient preservation. It enters the phenomena caused by the tourism, beyond the inevitable process of gentrification decurrent of the alteration of the prices in the real estate sector, we can evidence in Pirenópolis facadesm, e spetacularization decurrent the objective to compose ambientações that can be more easily identifiable for the tourist with the creation of spaces cenarizados for the leisure.


turismo espectacularização fachadismo gentrification spetacularization patrimônio cultural cultural heritage arquitetura e urbanismo gentrificação tourism facadesm

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